Welcome to Mindbodymedicine

In these unprecented times of stress, anxiety and uncertainty we need more than ever tools to help us navigate our way post Covid 19 and with all the war in the Ukraine brings. We need the connection and support of groups to do this. In these groups you will learn evidence based skills of self awareness, self care and self expression that will enable you to create an individualized programme that will help you be balanced and resilient as you meet the challenges of the pandemic or the trauma of displacement and unknown future. These groups are transformational, educational, participatory, structured and fun. See testimonials at the end.

The Centre for Mind Body Medicine
The Centre for Mind Body Medicine (cmbm.org) is a non profit organisation set up in 1991 in Washington D.C. which is the world's largest and most effective program for healing population -wide psychological trauma.
This program has been brought to populations as diverse as refugees from wars in the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa and now Ukraine: firefighters and US military personnel; student/parent/teacher school shooting survivors as well as stressed-out professionals, stay -at -home mothers, inner city children, medical students and people of ALL ages who are struggling with mental and physical disorders and end-of-life challenges.

Heidi Jackson is certified and on the faculty of the Centre for Mind Body Medicine (cmbm.org). She facilitates in person and online Mind Body Skills Groups . Heidi worked as an Oncology Nurse and Complementary therapist in Tallaght Hospital, Dublin for over 10 years before going into private practice providing complementary therapies to Cancer patients. Whilst doing this work she found she wanted to find work that would help empower people to heal themselves. Thus her journey with CMBM began 7 years ago and since then Heidi has been running numerous Mind Body Skills Groups, with NHS stafff/Ukrainian refugees/migrants/teenagers and stressed out Mums. These in person and online groups help people source their inner wisdom through meditation, guided imagery, drawings, biofeedback, autogenic, journaling and numerous other tools in a safe and supportive environment. Heidi is part of a team bringing the CMBM model to Ireland and Europe. In July 2023 Heidi was part of the faculty team who went to Ukraine to train 150 educators/healthcare workers/community leaders in our model of care.
“Loved the group, it made a significant difference to my life. Physically I have more energy, am breathing deeper, sleeping like a log, calm in my body and managed to give up sugar. Emotionally I feel a lot more optimistic, I have regained hope that I had lost, I feel more connected, not as lonely, more of a sense that I matter, my heart is dancing again…. It also brought home to me VERY MUCH that my well being is in my own hands”. AT

Mind Body Skills Groups
People of every age, educational level, cultural and religious background and even those who say they are 'not group people' benefit from these Mind Body Skills Groups.
This is an 8 week group in a small intimate setting to help reduce stress and create balance. Stress is a shared reality in our lives. We are hardwired to navigate stress – to “regulate” it. However, stress can easily tip the scale to toxic – when it is high, experienced early in life; prolonged over time, or comes fast and hard with a life crisis.

Self Care is the true Primary Care
We are living in challenging times and are being called to a greater degree of attention to “care” – care for ourselves in our bodies and minds; to care for each other; and for the living environments that we are inseparably embedded in. The Centre for Mind-Body Medicine has been teaching for over 30 years a small group model of care that combines all of these ingredients with evidence-based tools and experiences that can be seen as supportive of the development of a more “mature form of coping” with the challenging realities of our lives

The Model
Connecting our head and heart
This model, through a blend of head and heart together, connection and empowerment, allows us to move beyond the tendency to focus on our struggles, to reveal the many hidden strengths, patterns of resilience, values, joys, and sources of meaning in our lives. This work supports both our individuality and our collective inter-dependence to each other through relationship.

Small and supportive
The groups are between 8 to 12 people. In the 8 weeks of 2 hour sessions we will learn and practice life skills to foster our growth using research proven skills which include: meditation, drawing, guided imagery, biofeedback and autogenics, writing, genograms, movement and breath work.
“I was uncertain what my expectations were initially but was looking for more focus and to push past a feeling of being stuck and unable to move forward. By the end of the course I have achieved these expectations and more…I felt Heidi created a very safe and cohesive environment for our group, sharing her knowledge but also her real life experience of the material…Physically I’ve been more energized, less agitated and lost about 7 IBS over the time of the course and I have also noticed I’ve been able to improve my Raynaurds (cold fingers) in the last few weeks of the course which is brilliant. Emotionally I’ve been more able to concentrate and focus as well as follow through on tasks, I’m also less angry at the world and overall just feel better in myself”. Dr. SO’D
“I got more from this group then I have from counseling, psychotherapy, psychologists and in hospital talk therapy. I think the framework is super….I am more hopeful and less frightened about the future….There is nothing more empowering than coming together with other human beings in a safe environment to share and support one another. This, combined with proven techniques which reduce stress and improve our perspective and ability to enjoy our lives is a powerful combination which is hugely beneficial to one and all. CJ
'' I feel 100% better than before the course, I'm physically taking better care of myself and coping better with my emotions, I feel more hopeful, empowered and capable”. AO’B
“I really got alot from this course. It was a wonderful escape from my busy life for 2 hours a week and taught me many useful tools. It has reminded me of the vital importance of self-care and stepping back and switching off where possible”. SR
“The most valuable part of the group for me was being in a group doing this work and admitting how I really feel and not being ashamed…I didn’t know what to expect but I got more than I thought I would – especially in terms of practicable skills”. EO’C
“ I wasn’t sure what to expect and wasn’t expecting to feel so emotional but also so elated and peaceful after the meditations…the facilitator was excellent, her voice really made you relax and feel calm and good. The group felt very safe and I was happy to open up... A great experience that will have life time positive changing effects on me”. SMY
“Emotionally it has opened up scars on wounds that I had been avoiding or unable to deal with. I feel like they have started to heal and become a part of me in a way I can include them and accept them..my experience exceeded any notions and ideas of what I had expected every week and overall…I absolutely loved going to each and every session, I felt heartbroken and a sense of loss when I finished. I highly recommend this course and hope everyone doing this course gets as much out of it as I did”. LS
“Every part of the group was valuable for me. The facilitator was extremely effective in terms of creating a safe environment for everyone present. She was fluent in her knowledge of the material we went through and she was able to respond to our needs with super relevant feedback”. SM
“ I feel more positive about the future and I feel I have a clearer vision/awareness. The most valuable part of the group for me was learning to hear my inner voice”. AMc
“I feel more grounded in myself and am developing a deep trust in my being…” CJ
“The course has helped me focus more on myself and I have learned new relaxation skills and better ways of using previously known skills”. SG
“I am more aware of how my body is feeling, more compassion and understanding. Realising most people struggle”. KW
“I didn’t know exactly what to expect at the beginning as it was something new to me. The group certainly exceeded expectations I felt I was able to share my feelings and to be open without being judged or feeling I was being judged” LB